Sperms are produced by a man's body and delivered to a woman's vagina by his body. It is through the cervix of the woman that sperms are transported into the uterus and fallopian tubes of the woman. It is there that the sperm and egg meet, fertilization occurs, and the woman becomes pregnant. When a man can't impregnate a woman due to health issues, that is considered male infertility.
In most cases, men don't notice any significant symptoms except their inability to conceive. However, there are some symptoms to look out for, such as :
Insufficient sperm ejaculated, or problems in ejaculating - Erectile dysfunction, difficulty in ejaculating, or problems in ejaculating
The inability to smell
Gynecomastia (Swelling of breasts)
A low sperm count (less than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen or less than 39 million sperm per ejaculate)
Pain, swelling or lump on testicle area
Male infertility can be caused by a variety of factors, including
Low sperm production
Malformed sperm
Immobile sperm
Blockages that prevent sperm delivery to the semen
The treatment begins with the following tests :
Local examination of genitals
Testicular biopsy
Chromosomal test
Serum hormone levels
Semen analysis
Immunological test
Homeopathy has become increasingly popular as a method of treating infertility in recent years. Unlike conventional medicine, homeopathy views infertility as an imbalance that needs to be corrected rather than a disease. By understanding the body as a whole and all physiological and psychological factors that contribute to infertility, it can eradicate the cause of the problem. The individual's case history and genetic constitution are taken into consideration when prescribing advanced constitutional therapies at Synopsis Clinic in Panvel.